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It's All Religion To Me (hubby's note)
19 Oktober 2017 12:42 WIB
Diperbarui 14 Maret 2019 21:14 WIB
Tulisan dari Liza L Arifin tidak mewakili pandangan dari redaksi kumparan
Menemukan tulisan ini di catatan harian suamiku. Mungkin ada manfaatnya. Mungkin juga enggak. Mungkin tepat. Mungkin tidak. Tetapi entah mengapa aku terdorong untuk berbagi.
"There is probably no god. Now stop worrying and enjoy life."
That is the ad written in some buses in the city where I live. Some atheists pay for that ad.
Do I have a problem with the ad? Yes I do.
One. The ad implicate that those who believes in god are miserable bunch and doesn't enjoy life. Only the atheist enjoys life. Arrogance is it not?
What is enjoying life anyway? I am not going into that. Too complicated as everyone is different. But you get the idea.
Secondly, I hate when people start preaching to others. I am not saying only to the atheists, but also to those who are religious. Don't preach. If you are so sure about your believe, you don't need confirmation from others. Nor you need others to believe what you believe to make your believe the right one.
Atheist or religious, if you really have the urge to preach, go to your own lot, preach to each other, preach to your common believers.
In my opinion every one knows what one wants. If one really needs it, one will come looking. No need to preach there.
In the case of the ad, I just feel by putting that ad, Atheist-ism (can I say that?) is becoming just another religion. A godless one.
You don't have to look carefully to understand that the name of the game is liberation. All religions say so. Now the atheist confirmed so with their ad.
Religions for the believers dictate rules and laws of conduct to liberate one-self from the clutch of worldly ignominy. To prepare one-self for the after life.
But for those who doesn't believe in religions or organize religions, for whatever reasons, they are also the liberated. Liberated from the certainty of rules and laws of religions.
The same apply whether you believe in god (through religions or not) or atheist.
Just because you found your liberation (or enlightenment to sound spiritual) doesn't give you the right to try liberating others.
Life is short. Stop wasting it. If you are middle age like me, how long do we have left? 20 years? 30 years? We all going to die. Then we will know the truth. What ever that might be.
So what's the point of preaching when without any effort we will know the truth. One will deals with whatever going to happen by one-self. It is none of anybody business.
If you believe in religion, just do what your religion tells you to do. If you have no religion that's fine. If you believe in god, OK. If you don't believe in god, no problem.
Be happy with your choices, have a jolly good time on this earth.
By the way, I am a very religious person, believe in a religion, believe in god, and enjoying life. Disregard or delete this note if you consider this preaching
London, January 2009